10 myths about working on yourself

1. People who work for themselves, work really a lot

Many self-employed people work longer hours than employees. Some get so much pleasure from the work that they want to work longer. Some organize his business in such a way that their physical presence is necessary to create an income. Both ways are the normal choice, if only because that person you decide what and how to organize it.

Many start their businesses so that they are paid only when they work, such as a lawyer, opening legal advice and hourly billing invoices to your customers. When the lawyer at home, he does not create income.

But there's no law that says that you must only start a business that bring in money exclusively during your work. If you are starting a business, you just-just create a workspace for themselves. You build a profitable system that brings you money system that you own and control that. It's like having a golden goose that working brings the golden eggs.

Thus, the long work to a greater extent indicator type of business that you personally choose. If you do not like a lot of work, you certainly do not have to.
2. The only reason for the creation of a business - its sale

This is a favorite statement of Michael Gerber, author of The E-Myth Revisited and other books of the series of E-Myth. Of course, you can always create a business for sale or display it to the public offering, but you can also create a business in order to keep it. In fact, to create a business for some time to leave work, and then simply to kill, this is absolutely correct.

As a self-employed person, you are free to build any business, how you want. If you want to build a business for sale, do it. If you just need a source of income that does not require you going to work, it's too bad. There is no rule that says that you have to build a business as a monument to the human greatness.

Many people enjoy periodic enterprise. They start a business, its lead for a while, and then sell or close. Then they repeat the process.

You can also have multiple businesses at the same time. This may sound complicated, but if you have to operate the business for ten years or more, repeat the process and create another one is not difficult. Also, a variety can be fun if you do not overdo.
3. Working for yourself is much riskier than getting a job

The security is the result of the control, and the work itself gives you much more control than regular work. When you work for yourself, no one can lay off or dismiss. It is safer - the possession of a private source of income or rent? Undoubtedly possession.

If you urgently need the extra money, it is very difficult to find them when you simple employee and your specialty is not very profitable, such as electricians. But as the owner, who controls all the assets of your business you have the opportunity to redirect resources in a difficult position. controlled possession creates big differences.

Workers most at risk. Do you realize how much risk when suddenly hear "we enable you to act", at the same time, when the owners are enjoying record profits from mining.
4. To work for yourself is to put all your eggs in one basket

Ask yourself, how many people you have anger, that they cut off your source of income? For workers usually one. If your boss fires you, your income is switched off immediately. Rightly or wrongly - you lose all sources of income, regardless of the reason. So it is folding the eggs in one basket.

With work on himself, meanwhile, you can easily diversify your revenue streams, thereby reducing the risks. You have all the necessary tools to do so. Create different types of income of thousands of clients is much safer than getting a single salary.

Erin and I get together about a dozen different types of income, including direct sales, sales through third parties and distributors, advertising charges and royalties, income from affiliate programs, consulting, etc. If even our greatest source of income dries up immediately, everything is still good.
5. Working for yourself is stressful

If you are tense, you are unable to make ends meet if you work somewhere or just yourself. But all things being equal in life and income, I think that the work of the less stressful, as you enjoy a greater degree of control. The lack of control over their own time and life's stress. When you have the freedom to say "no", you can easily control your stress.

Working for yourself can be a very low-stress, if you choose to make it so. You can turn your office into a relaxing place to work. You can set your own schedule. If you notice signs of stress, you can take a break to relax. No one can force you to do what you want.
6. The customer is always right

If you work for yourself, freely dispose of customers who upset you. Some clients are simply not worthy of your efforts. If you work for yourself, there is no need to do business with those who think that they have the privilege to perceive you as scum. If you do not like to have these clients, it is unlikely you'll like the people who come on their recommendations. On the other hand, you can have fun by sending these people to competitors.
7. Work on leads to loneliness

Many workers think that to enjoy a full social life, when all they do is hang out with your colleagues. It's nice at first, but it gets boring after a while. On the other hand, a self-employed person is easier to recognize the need for social activities outside of their work. In the end, it may be because of the desire to learn from the same owners of their own businesses.

There is no need to be lonely and isolated, if you work for yourself, as long as the aim to participate in various social activities. The regular work laid some inner socialization, but if you think about it, you can see how it is limited. An employee can be fired for excessive socializing at work. But a self-employed person can socialize freely at any time of the day.
8. Working the people need to do it yourself

People working on may be responsible for what they take, but it is usually silly to do everything alone. Scope of work is too large.

Erin owned and operated magazine VegFamily, but it does not work on the publication of their own rooms. She has writers that fill the magazine photographers, an accountant, as well as managing editor, looking after the details of each issue. Erin came up and set up a system, but the other people support her.

You do not even have to come up with your own system, you can simply enhance someone else.
9. Work on too unclear

Working for yourself can seem confusing because a lot to learn in the beginning, such as accounting, taxes, payroll, legal norms, insurance and much more. It takes time to learn the basics, but most of them are actually not so difficult. Just take a good book on the subject, and you are great to start with.

Do not let the initial learning curve to break themselves. You need to learn it only once and only for your first business. When you later start a second business, everything goes much faster.

If you organize it right, support for running business will no longer seem a nightmare.
10. You will need a lot of money to start a new business

This depends on the business. You can start an online business for a very small amount, ranging from buying a domain and hosting which is very cheap. We are talking about less than 100 dollars needed to cover the first year.

The bottom line is that there is no need to put the last of his money in the first business. You, however, should have a thoughtful way to add value to people. In the online business, the good news is that you can create value for a fixed period of time (an article, for example), and the technology can deliver that value millions of times moreover without increasing the cost of delivery. You invest a small amount of time in the initial creation of value, but you get a fee for bringing a constant value. The technology makes the most of the work for you for a price that is virtually equal to zero, but you get a fee for the results (significantly greater than zero).

In contrast to the people who work for themselves, workers can not normally get paid for bringing a permanent value. They receive a fixed fee or a cross-sectional commissions, while employers are rewarded forever. Employees are very generous towards their employers.


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